Saturday, October 26, 2013

LEADING UP TO IL 2013: How much do you practice for a preso?

I hope I am learning from past experience. Too often I have spent inordinate time putting together a presentation for a conference, class, or any venue. I have tweaked, added, deleted, re-added, yadda yadda. But then I have failed to practice in order to be ready to deliver the preso smoothly and with confidence. I am trying to do better today. In fact I just finished going through my presentation standing in front of a mirror.  THAT is humbling but also a good idea. I am practicing today, and will do so at other times before my Tuesday time, which is as follows: E201 – Online Badges and Other Incentives-Get Motivational! 10:30-11:45 via Internet@School. I feel so lucky to be attending again this year. I do wonder how much rehearsing other speakers do. Sometimes it's evident one way or the other. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. I had my first experience this week presenting via an AASL webinar, and I worked and worked on the slides and order of presentation.

    Then the afternoon of, I realized I hadn't actually practiced! So I spent several hours writing out a script of what I wanted to say. I practiced speaking the words and timing myself.

    Later than evening, during the webinar, I found myself referring several times to the script I had not expected to look at. And knowing that speaking my information took less time than I was allowed, I felt free to elaborate on some points and respond to questions that came up.

    It seem basic fact that I would have practiced, but while I spent lots of time preparing, I hadn't rehearsed at all. I think I also have to learn to do this.

    Great point, MABell. And best wishes for Tuesday -- so glad you are there!
