Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So Mad I could Just Spit

Today's Houston Chronicle has an article titled "Conservatives to resurrect rejected curriculum plan." Here is my posting to listservs: Yesterday's article about Houston ISD's plans to upgrade school libraries was something of a mixture of good and not-so-good news. Today's state education news has no ambiguity. It is about an effort being launched by the State Board of Education to insure that kids will like reading less...."Conservatives to resurrect rejected curriculum plan," 1st page City/State section.or
I cannot resist quoting a teaser line for you, which comes from the last sentence, so here it is:
"Miller said McLeroy "is trying to do this with a last-minute bait-and-switch, offering a curriculum document that the board, parents and teachers haven't even discussed. The arrogance is breathtaking." " The only thing about this sentence that comes to mind is...this is news? Didn't we already know that???

And here is my letter to editor, probably too sarcastic to get in:

I see in today's paper that conservatives on the State Board of Education once again want to rewrite language arts curriculum, making sure kids do not read relevant and up to date titles that they love. Instead they should read classics, in part to avoid the "gay agenda." I am an English major and librarian who loves the classics. Here is a partial list they might want to include: Lysistrada, Oedipus Rex, Leda and the Swan, or anything by these authors: Chaucer, Virginia Woolf, or Oscar Wilde. On second thought, let's just leave all this to the educators who know what they are doing.

1 comment:

  1. while I do not find the issue AT ALL funny, I am chuckling at those choices....
